
X-Force, Ep. 2b: X-Cutioner’s Song, Part Two
03 Apr. 2022

X-Force, Ep. 2b: X-Cutioner’s Song, Part Two

Kurtis, James, Lars and Jared are back one more time to finish their roundtable discussion on that infamous 90s X-Men crossover classic – X-Cutioner’s Song! How do these guys really feel about the back half of this story, and especially how it all concludes after twelve densely packed issues? You’ll have to listen and find […]

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X-Force, Ep. 2a: X-Cutioner’s Song, Part One
26 Mar. 2022

X-Force, Ep. 2a: X-Cutioner’s Song, Part One

Kurtis and James return to the pages of X-Force to discuss the two-part Cable mini-series, Blood and Metal. Then, they are joined by Lars and Jared and together they have a roundtable discussion about the famous 90s X-Men crossover, X-Cutioner’s Song! The four of them go through, issue by issue, and unpack all of the […]

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X-Factor, Ep. 7b: Belles & Whistles
12 Mar. 2022

X-Factor, Ep. 7b: Belles & Whistles

Kurtis and Jared continue their discussion about Peter David’s X-Factor and the title leads up to the X-Cutioner’s song story. In this episode, the conversation revolves around the early appearances of Stryfe, the development of characters like Wolfsbane and Strong Guy, and the overly political plotlines in every issue – abortion, illegal refugees, racial profiling, […]

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X-Factor, Ep. 7a: All-New, All-Different X-Factor
05 Mar. 2022

X-Factor, Ep. 7a: All-New, All-Different X-Factor

Out with the old, in with the new! Kurtis and Jared talk about the groundbreaking shakeup of the X-Factor team in the midst of the X-Men boom of the early 90s! The discussion surrounds the new team of relatively lesser known mutants, the comedy of Peter David, and the dynamic style of Larry Stroman! Plus, […]

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X-Factor, Ep. 1: Genesis & Apocalypse
18 Sep. 2017

X-Factor, Ep. 1: Genesis & Apocalypse

Kurtis and Jared take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of the origin of X-Factor, the return of Jean Grey and the debut of Apocalypse! There is plenty of great conversation about what it took to make this book possible and how it holds up against time, thirty years later! […]

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